Hello, FunnyIndian Subscribers!
You’ve been receiving my monthly newsletter via a platform called CreateSend.
February 2020’s was Vol. CLXI. Do you remember your Roman numerals? Well, I’ll help with the math: I’ve sent one every single month, without fail, since I went full-time into comedy in September 2006.
I’m switching to Substack, the latest trend in blogging and podcasting and newslettering… if that’s a gerund.
I just spent the last week cleaning up my Medium blog. That site still exists; I’ve also imported those posts for you to read on my Substack blog. And obviously, FunnyIndian.com is still up.
I am excited. Why? Two reasons:
You’ll have the ability to reply on email if you want to keep it between you and me, or you can comment on the post if you think your thoughts are deserving of a wider audience. And let’s face it, a lot of y’all are pretty darned smart. The more you comment and like stuff publicly, the better I’ll do on Substack, so thank you in advance.
In turn, I can write a blog post and either leave it on the website or email you a copy. I was a bit wary to change the relationship you and I have, since the vast majority of you have grown accustomed to hearing from me every four weeks. I’m quite mindful of not filling up everybody’s inboxes. I generally write about five topics: Comedy. Culture. Branding. Philosophy. Politics. It’s that last one where I want to be careful. It’s a sensitive one, and while you all universally and rightly know I’m extremely hilarious, you may not agree with my politics. And I respect that. I mean, I don’t, because you’re obviously completely wrong if you don’t agree with me. But that said, I want to be deferential of not drowning you in my perspective. As such, I’ll experiment a bit. We’ll figure it out together.
Why do this now? Well, the coronavirus pandemic seems like a singularity. The Jesus Christ birth dividing the BCE and CE eras. This is a tough time for everybody, performers included. I am ostensibly without income through at least May, so I am staying home and creating more content. It is my hope that you stick with me as I do my best to stay above water personally and continue to entertain you professionally.
The plan is to send you the March 2020 Funny Indian Newsletter via Substack. At present, there is no way to segment so that you receive some posts via email and not others. But at any point, if you wish to receive only the monthly newsletter, reply and tell me so. I’ll just forward it to you manually.
I appreciate your being a subscriber for the last several hours, days, weeks, months, years… whatever the case may be.
Thanks, as ALWAYS, for your support.
Big Ups, Mad Props, & Much Love,
- Rajiv

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