WHAT’S THE DEAL with parking in India?
We’re Rolling Now.
Jerry Seinfeld was planning to perform standup in India this weekend but his show has been canceled due to what authorities call a lack of ample parking. Yada-yada-yada… Seinfeld isn’t going to India.
Seinfeld quotes and Indian standup comedy? “That’s Gold, Jerry!”
Here we go… and if nothing else, enjoy all the Seinfeld scene links.
Ironically, if you were still to turn up to see the now non-existent performance, you’d still see “a show about nothing.”
It’s not as if people could find their cars after the show anyway.
This is not the first American celebrity to be denied access to India. Last year, Kim Kardashian was asked to, well, butt out.
Perhaps it’s karma (car-ma?) for this scene from Seinfeld, with the apropos title, The Betrayal: “Don’t go. India is a dreadful, dreadful place.”
Maybe Babu Bhatt simply didn’t grant Seinfeld’s visa this time around. Or couldn’t because he’s Pakistani?
Or maybe the Indian authorities mistook The Red Dot episode to refer to a bindi.
Or The Cigar Store Indian should’ve been named “The Cigar Store Native American.”
Or they’re afraid this scene would break out from the aptly-named The Parking Space.
At least Seinfeld made The Pony Remark and not The Cow Remark or there’s no telling what might have happened. I mean, why would anyone leave a pony country to go a non-pony country?
Did the authorities underestimate the size of parking lot needed or did it experience Shrinkage?
“Maybe the dingo ate your [parking space].”
Why WOULD Jerry go to India?
Fortunately, Seinfeld’s private jet wasn’t already airborne or he might’ve had to make an emergency landing in Latham, MA.
Incidentally, Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish and India is the only country in the world in which Jews have never been persecuted, probably because next to Indians, Jews look like big spenders. “Who are these ballers?” asked a fictional Mumbaiker in an accent sufficiently thick enough to make this joke funny.
This whole thing to me seems so gay… not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Rajiv Satyal is a standup comedian who once followed Jerry Seinfeld onstage after a drop-in at Gotham Comedy Club in New York.