*This is why my friend, formerly a VP of Development at Comedy Central, and I are launching a new podcast, where we interview people from across the political spectrum. We interviewed Asha Rangappa, an open anti-Trumper, and are aiming to interview Harmeet Dhillon, an avid Trumpster. Disregard this whole notion that “platforming is bad.” Guess what. There was an Insurrection on January 6, 2021, and citywide riots the summer before that. Bad ideas are already out there. In fact, we’ve made a grave mistake by shunning not only ideas but also the people who espouse them. Because those people went underground… festered and multiplied… and came back stronger, resulting in widespread damage, inflicted by both the Left and the Right.

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"I am a Hindu only because you are a Muslim or a Christian otherwise I am just a human" this is what the majority of the Hindus think. "Truth/God is one and there are different paths that humans take as per their tendencies, all of which lead to that same truth/god, like different streams all merge into the same ocean" this is what Hindus believe. Not just Hindus but all the four Sanatan(eternal) traditions (Hinduism,Jainism,Sikhism,Buddhism) which have originated in India think the same way. But unfortunately most of the other major world religions have a different view and they believe in "my way or the highway" even if it means crusades or wiping off kafirs from earth. And since we are the oldest religion of the world, a pagan culture, which has a place for polytheism, monotheism,atheism, goddess worship, idol worship, formless worship, nature worship and much much more, and nothing is forced or compulsory for us, one chooses as per their tendencies, these qualities are the ones which have made us eternal and so it naturally makes us the target of other major world religions since they consider these things as the worst sins and since today they control most of the media and the majority of wealth of the world, they paint us as the devil. Anyway, you did great as per your understanding, kudos to you for that.

About the word Hindutva,

In Hindi :

Vyakti = a person and Vyakti'tva' = the person's personality


Hindu = the religion and Hindu'tva' = the quality/essence of Hinduism

The word Hindutva being used negatively is the work of media/people/countries with vested interests who want India to stay weak and unstable for various geopolitical and religious reasons and blaming the majority religion is the easiest thing to do and also because of appeasement politics/wokeness/political correctness a person from minority can only be shown as oppressed and can never be labelled as the oppressor.

Anyway, you seem like you genuinely care about humanity, all the best for your future endeavours brother.

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I am one of the PSPA member who came to pick you up because of the unwarranted threats to you because you had contracted to MC with an organization which is serving underprivileged children & abandoned women in a country which has been ravaged for over 1000 years - first by the Islamic invasion - forced conversions, destruction of thousands of our temples, Islamization of our food, entertainment & way of life & then by the British/European colonists who looted us for over 3 hundred years and after that by the British created congress party which partitioned India on basis of religion.

I read your article and would really appreciate if you can study the history of the Hindu genocide - now that you have been put in the center of this controversy by people who cannot tolerate a fund raiser for the weakest population of India.

Best wishes

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Hats off to you for pursuing and not bowing down to organizations that live on hate. The credibility of anyone or any organization can be determined by their words and actions. Their goal is to spread hatred and force good people to succumb to their threats. We need many more like you. As you rightly stated that Hinduism treats tolerance. It also views the world as one family. But like in any family a small section will be the wild ones, the nay sayers and people who thrive on creating divisions. Once again, thank you for MCing a charity event which will help millions of under privileged.

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Kudos to you. A bunch of thugs with Jihadi mindset cannot be allowed to dictate which Hindu religious leader is allowed to perform religious activities or not.

IAMC is an organization with deep ties to Jihadi terrorist networks, set up with the singular purpose of shaming and harassing Hindu diaspora.

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I laughed a lot. But I also cried like a baby. 🙂 An atypical response, I realize, but you spoke so eloquently not just for you but many others including me. Thanks.

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Ok, I cried when I first read it. 🙂 Not the normal response but no one has spoken for me quite so eloquently before. Thank you.

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I am glad you did not bow down to the Islamists Threats and Fear.

Swami Vivekananda had said, “It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of all our woes, and it is Fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore, "Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached.”

Islamists all over the world is using Fear to terrorize “non-believers” with the intent that Fear can make them silent.

IAMC has deep connections with Pakistan’s ISI, agents and jihadi networks such as IMANA which has been linked with Jammat-e-Islami (JeI). You will notice IAMC’s twitter page is full of Hate for India, and Hindus.

Once again Heartiest Congratulations for showing courage to not bow down to Islamists threats.

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Great words Rajiv! My only critique is that you may be approaching the issue from a Western 'we are all important' perspective. The "who stands for us' argument should be bolstered by some harsh facts. In less affluent places, opportunity is scarce. People compete and politicians compete for their votes. Scapegoating entire races is very much a winning strategy if you want power. The only way to counter this is by not playing their game. This is not easy. You want to embrace your identity but at the same time not add fuel to the fire of identity politics. All the best. It's always refreshing to read your thoughts!

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